Wednesday 9 December 2009

Hello Exalted ones

Year 218BC was witness to the first movements in the GIMP Impetus campaign there were early start in the east;

The Seleucids invading Carthagian lands, in what should have been an easy defence for the Cartagena’s it all turn sour when the western General “Gavinus” never turned up for the battle sighting difficulties on the march! This lead to a win for the Seleucids and a loss of territory for the Carthagians. It will be interesting to see how Carthage reacts to this.

Whilst in the Aegean seas a storm that had been threatening for a wile crashed into the invading fleets of both Rome and Macedonia and stopped all plans for invasion for now at least.

The west witnessed the largest change when Garryus of Celtiberia submitted to the over lordship of the Variathus of the Iberian people forming one large nation of Espani, to celebrate this new nation in invasion force crashed into Gaulish territory and totally over ran the defences of Nevus!

It now just remains to see how the nations react to these movements and what will happen this Year.

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