Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Campaign Rules


This is a map based campaign where players represent Nations. The Campaign starts on the 12th of November and will run until 5th of June when we will have a weekend of gaming at the club to end in stile.

Please note the following rules are an attempt at a fun set of rules for the club to use, there are probably holes all over it. I ask all player to use this in the sprit it is intended. Any ideas or plans player have you should run past me and I will say if it is ok. As the organiser of the campaign I reserve the right to change any rules I feel are being exploited in a manner they were not intended. All this being said I’m open to most ideas and I encourage players to play in a stile fitting the nations they are playing so changing alliances, back stabbing, civil war, etc. are all options open to players.

The Nations

The following are the people playing and the Nations they represent.

Matt and Collin
Clive and Gavin
Dan and Nev
Iberians (Spanish)
Celtiberians (Spanish)
Syracuse (Greek)
Paul H
Paul L and Bill

Players that are sharing a Nation should appoint a high commander. High commanders can give themselves a title.

Looking at the map will give players an instant overview of who is where and who is doing well. Each section (the round circles) controlled by a nation gives player 100pts to spend on armies and 10,000 denarii. The denarii should be used to forge alliances and to keep friends happy, paying ransoms or just horded so you can sit around counting you vast fortune.

Capital sections give an additional 200pts in defense of the Capital section only.

Nations with more than one player must split their forces as evenly as possible. These nations are also in the “lucky” position of being able to choose more that one route of attack.

Alliances/Multi player Nations

Players that share a border may form alliances (as stated above) to do this, players should open talks with another player and negotiate the terms of a possible alliance.

Players have options of;

Non aggression agreement,
Joint defense agreement,
Joint offensive,

I’m open to any ideas just run them past me first.

When players agree a joint action (defense or attack) this will result in a multi player game e.g. Rome and Gaul agree to mount a joint offensive on Macedon, Macedon has no allies so the following game will be; one (or more) of the Roman players and one of the Gaulish players against one (or more) of the Macedonian players.

When players form alliances then they can only ever send a maximum of 50% of their army across an allies land. No Commander is going to leave their own land completely undefended.

If both allies shire a border with the enemy nation then the allies must agree which Nation counts as the primary nation and which one is the ally.

Nations with more than one player should note in any alliances they can only ever send a maximum of half of one commander in alliance. These nations should also note that their own different commands count as allies when attacking or defending. (Their nation is too large to gather all the army together and leave large parts of their nation undefended). So if say Rome is attacked in the first turn then one army would count as the main one and the other two counts as allied so Rome could field a force of 600pts (300+150+150) but this would then leave the rest of Rome lightly defended.

When troop have been sent across allied land to attack an enemy nation then they are lost for that turn and can’t help in any defence of the home nation.

Nations can only ever send one set of allies per game turn, so if they have a joint defence agreement with more than one nation and two get attacked then only one will receive any help.

Game turns

The campaign is split into 8 turns. Each turn is for us a calendar month but for the Nations it represents a year. Each month is in three sections:

First week I will send out a new map with an overview of what changes the previous turn’s campaign brought about. The players should be spending this time trying to form new alliances and keep old “friends” happy.

Second week a news letter will go out with any news formed in the first week. Players can now plan where (if at all) they plan on attacking. Nations be able to trace a land or see route from one of their sections to an enemy section in order to attack.

I will then announce what games need to be played. The rest of the month is open to playing the resulting games.

Players that have plans to attack a nation but then find themselves under attack have two choices; They can continue to press their attack in which case the battle is fought as normal but double the loses for the second game (see below). Or cancel the attack in which case the defence of your nation counts as a second game with you having won the first (see below). It is tiring work marching from one side of the nation to the other!

If players have to play more game per turn then they fight the first game at full strength. If they win the first game then they lose 20% of their army size for the second game. If they lose the first game they lose 40% of their army size for the second game.

Nations that do not attempt an attack and are then attacked from more than one direction can say which game they would like to play first. The only change to this is if the defending nation has more then one player, the defender then has the choice of sending one player each way or trying to play one game first (with a allied combined force) then sending the reminder of this force to play the second game.

If a nation is not able to fit in playing all the resulting games then they will be settled with a die role;

1-2 Attack failed
3-4 Draw
5-6 Attack successful


+1 if the Defender cried off.
-1 if the attacker cried off.
+/- 1 per 100pts out numbered

If an Attack is successful then the winning player gains an adjacent section. In the case of more than one adjacent section the losing player can choose which one to lose.


Each time a player plays a game they are free to pick a whole new army. When picking their armies for games they must follow the normal restrictions but with the following amendments;

All generals should be named

Each nation can only have one commander rated Expert or above in their starting armies.

Each new general starts as poor or fair.

Changes to a general level during a game carry over to following games but the costs stay at the original value.

Generals captured or killed results are also carried over. (A chance for getting ransoms one thinks)

If your army is 300pts or less then all the minima are halved (rounding up)

If your army list allows allies (such as the allied Gaul’s in the roman list) and if you are not formally allied with this nation the maxim is halved (rounding down).

Player that can feel free to play different sized games so long as the % difference is still the same e.g. JP and James play a game. JP should have an army of 200pts James 250pts, they could agree to play a 400pts v 500pts game if they like.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following this and seeing some battle reports.

    Good luck with it!

